Hi there! Thank you for stopping by to my little corner on the website.

A little more about me. I am a mother of two and wife to my college sweetheart. In 2016, I received a boxed calligraphy learning kit from my sister for Christmas and it’s stuck with me since. After working in the engineering field I decided to start offering stationery, hand lettering, calligraphy services. I have taken graphics and design classes in high school and since then I’ve been self-taught with Adobe Photoshop.

I love spending time with my family. We love to watch movies together, decorate the house for the holidays and eat dessert any chance that we get. Alone, I am a big Netflix binger of true crime, true crime podcasts and rom coms movies.

Ask me more about the services I provide and I’m glad to help, email me at kindregardscalligraphy@gmail.com!

Kind Regards, Julie